Category: GRMSL

2020 Tools & Seeds Rainy Season Harvest

Our 2020 Tools & Seeds rainy season harvest at Maboya village was a great success! We want to thank the full membership of the Gullah Redemption Mission Sierra Leone (GRM-SL). Since early January, the team has been engaged in activities related to planning, organizing, and managing the step-by-step process of harvesting groundnuts and the production of 100 bags of coal. We also want to thank...

Gullah Redemption Mission Lumley Beach Meeting

During a recent visit to Lumley Beach, members from the Gullah Redemption Mission Sierra Leone (GRMSL) met with Isha, owner of Isha's Hot Cakes. The team and Isha discussed collaborating to host Gullah Leone cultural showcases at her establishment. The meeting was a success. a partnership was solidified and it was an overall great day at the beach.